Spherical micelles with non-spherical cores: effect of chain packing on the micellar shape
König N, Willner L, Carlström G, Zinn T, Knudsen KD, Rise F, Topgaard D, Lund
Macromolecules 53 10686-10698(2020)
Adjunct Professor PhD, Department of Physics, NTNU
Kenneth D. Knudsen graduated with MSc in applied physics from NTNU in 1985, and PhD in biophysics from NTNU in 1990, followed by postdoctoral appointments at NTNU, Univ. of Murcia and ESRF-Grenoble. He was employed as Research Scientist in the Physics Department of Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) in 1999, and senior scientist at IFE from 2004. Adjunct professor at NTNU from 2005. Member Steering group Nordic Neutron Science Program 2017-2020, Chairman of the Norwegian Neutron Scattering Association 2004-2015, Member Science Advisory Committee for the European Spallation Source (ESS) 2010-2015, CAS Fellow at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2011, Member Steering Committee for the Swiss-Norwegian beamlines (SNBL) in Grenoble, France 2002-2012.
Soft Matter and porous nanostructured materials using a variety of experimental methods, including small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and synchrotron-based x-ray scattering.
Instrumentation and methodological development
König N, Willner L, Carlström G, Zinn T, Knudsen KD, Rise F, Topgaard D, Lund
Macromolecules 53 10686-10698(2020)
Myhre S, Amann M, Willner L, Knudsen KD, Lund R
Langmuir 36 12887-12889(2020)
Krasia-Christoforou T, Socoliuc V, Knudsen KD, Tombacz E, Turcu R, Vekas LR
Nanomaterials 10 2178,1-67(2020)
Knudsen KD, Simon S, Qassym L, Geue T, Cooper JFK, Sjøblom J
Energy and Fuels 34 26768-6779(2020)
Michels L, da Fonseca CLS, Méheust Y, Altoé MAS, dos Santos EC, Hunvik K, Grassi G, Droppa Jr R, Knudsen KD, Cavalcanti L, Bordallo HN, Fossum JO, da Silva GJ
J Phys Chem C 124 24690-24703(2020)